

Throughout the course I've actually jumped from so many ideas. From the start, we knew that we were going to make a project which would then be shown at a gallery. So immediately I had my brainstorming sessions. And of course the first ones were farfetched, didn't have a proper idea or method to stand on. "an experience where it changes depending on your choices. Like a game!"

So, through the course we went through many mediums. These mediums then started forming me the methods in which I could do my final work. Of course my first choice was comic books, I'm a big fan, and I love telling stories. It's the perfect medium to enjoy both. So I came with the idea of multiple comic books which would all tell the story of a different person in the house. Each perspective would add different info about the characters which would form a proper story. On 28th of December I convinced my friend Asya to be my partner in this, and she did a reality check on my project, since she had actual experience in drawing comics. And thanks to her, I stopped with another farfetched idea. My interest overall was on how people experienced my story, and how I could make it unique. It's pretty much why I study filmmaking.

On December 6, we met with Asya again, and she noticed my obsession with the idea of eavesdropping and voyeurism. She then suggested having a keyhole or something to look through, and watch. That's when the idea of creating the whole set/stage hit me. Looking back on integrated works of video and theatre, I took note of the "realism" aspect. And I wrote my script to further play around that idea, with children's perspective.

When I presented on December 12, people really got an Alice in the Wonderland feeling from it, maybe it was my drawings. It was said that I could show the argument on TV, since a kid wouldn't be able to tell the real from the fake. At first it sounded like a good idea, but then I abandoned it. The idea was to create something as close to real as possible in that big room. And the room being inaccessible created the whole concept of layers that block the view. When I consulted Asya, my art guru again on 13th of December, she approved, so I finished my script around new year.

On 4th of January, I got together with my actors(my cousin and her boyfriend), and tried acting it out for the first time. Didn't work out. The way I had planned it, it needed to be a single take which ended and started at the same positions. Second meeting with my actors on 8th of January we tried again, we could improve the acting and the way they said their lines, but they just didn't move around as much as I needed them to. Since they were going to be silhouettes, their acting needed a slight bit of exaggeration to their body movements. I may actually need to animate this at this rate...